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♥ Hi! :D I am a little girl who has A BIGGEST DREAM in her life to make all nations into disciples of Jesus!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Face to Face

Hey, this post is for you.. for you who live far far away from me..
Yeap, sangaat jauh... sulit bagi gw untuk bisa ketempat lu berada, not as hard as me, its so easy for u to be right here...:(
Walaupun lu hampir selalu ke tempat gw berada, gw gak pernah punya kesempatan untuk bisa melihat lu..

hmmmfh....u know what? i really really want to say "i miss you" to you in person..face to face..
and do u know, how i feel so afraid? im........afraid if someday u walk away, and just leave me alone...and never appeared... :( 

Gw tau, gak seharusnya gw ngomong gini...karna mau gimanapun juga, gw bukan siapa-siapa :) 

Hey, do you relize that u already make me sad, dissapointed, cry, annoyed? but u also make me happy, laugh, free, more enjoy, and sometimes u accompany me like chat with me so that i dont feel alone anymore.. :) thankyou
But the other times, when im waiting for u until i got tired, i keep waiting... but you never come...
Yeah, you are so unpredictable and still mysterious for me...

However, overall.. I want to say thankyou :) untuk semuanyaaaaaaaa :D karena udah memberikan gw bumbu bumbu yang beraneka rasaaa itu.....hehehhee belom pernah ada seseorang yang membuat gw bebas seperti ini...bebas untuk kesel, bebas untuk nangis, dan bebas untuk menyayangi seseorang seperti lu....dan untuk gw, bisa menyukai seseorang seperti lu, gw udah cukup seneng kok :)

And for the last, i want to say thankyou for once again cos u already being you... :)

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