Jakarta 26 February 1996, i was born and it was the first day I exhaled breath. Then, i cried very loudly.. my mom said that she so happy because she got a baby girl and normal..
My mom said, when in the first day, i can smiled :) .. but, on 00:00 am, suddenly my body feels cold, my body became blue and something like foam, appeared from my mouth.. my father and my mother are going to slept that time.. But, when they saw I was dying, they shock! My mother and my father brought me to the Grahamedika hospital, my mom said, the hospital almost closed.. but, fortunately, there is 1 doctor there and I was immediately taken to the ICU.. My mother cried and so woried..
If i could speak at that time, i will said "mom, don't cry please"
but, my mother always cry cry and cry..
and finnaly my father asked my mother to pray.. They just wanted me to survive.. Several hours later, the doctor came out from the ICU and he said, that I got step desease.. my parents don't understand, why Jesus maked all this? Then, the doctor give advice that i must be hospitalizations for 8 weeks.. and after that, my parents went home to brought my shirt, milk, toys, etc.. my brother already slept that time, so he don't know at all about this..
In the next day, my parents always pray for me to got better and better.. but, there is no answer from Jesus until 4 weeks later.. 4 weeks later, i was concious... Miracle! that is the first word that my mom said when i was concious.. haha :D but, doctor said, i must stayed first because i have not healed at all.. and 1 week later, i already can go home and maybe i feel so happy at that time .. although, i can't remember how was my feeling, but something that i never forget, i smile
ya, i smile, i remember it.. (:
Enjoy my picture ^^

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