Hey! i forgot that i also bought some shirts in Europe.. haha, actually the reason i bought the clothes because its sale! hehehe summer sale! U know when its summer, Zara gave a big sale.. i love it! But im only bought 3 shirts at Zara :( cos my moommy said, "thats enough, mei (my family nickname :D ) shirts here are very expensive u know" :( although i felt little bit dissapointed but i thought no problem cos i would buy many shirts in Mangga Dua if i already arrived to Jakarta. hahha oh ya! when i was in Barcelona, my mom and i bought 2 shirts in the small shop, and the shopkeepers were from India. They were very funny and talkative. They said that my mom looked still teenager.. =.=a when my mom heared that my mom laughed XD
aah miss Europe >.<