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♥ Hi! :D I am a little girl who has A BIGGEST DREAM in her life to make all nations into disciples of Jesus!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Don't Give Up!!

Pasti kita sebagai anak muda jaman sekarang paling suka ngeluh sama yang namanya masalah...

Tau gak sih, masalah yang ada dalam hidup kita itu diibaratkan seperti gunung gunung yang tinggiiii banget!!
Nah, pasti secara gak sadar kita tu kalo udah ngeliat gunung yang tinggiii dan besar dari kejauhan pasti pikirannya udah hopeless.. Terus kita bakal pikir kalo itu gunung pasti susah deh buat didaki, nyampe puncaknya mungkin bisa berbulan bulan baru bisa nyampe (lebaaay --' )
 Gitu tuh anak muda jaman sekarang, hahaha padalah kita lom tau aja kalo sebenernya kita punya kemampuan buat daki gunung itu..Kenapa? Karena, jangan PANDANG gunung itu dari KEJAUHAN! dan jangan cuma bisa ngomong "gw gak senggup deeeh, nyeraaaah" kan kalian belom berusaha, dan belom mencoba untuk mendaki gunung tersebut pelan pelan..karna, kalo kita daki gunung itu selangkah demi selangkah, maka kita pasti bakal sampe ke puncaknya..

Nah, gunung gunung itu sperti persoalan yg ada dalam hidup kita masing'' kadang kita suka kesel sama persoalan kita dan udah nyeraaah! padahal tu masalah masih terlihat kecil di mata Tuhan..

Coba deh mulai sekarang kita jangan melihat gedenya gunung tersebut, jangan lihat betapa jauhnya perjalanan persoalan kita tapi mulailah dengan tekun, melangkah dan melangkah hadapi persoalan itu..Karena sewaktu kita menghindari satu gunung persoalan, maka akan muncul gunung gunung persoalan lainnya..

Dan janganlah berpikir kalo pada saat kita menghadapi persoalan tersebut, kita menyelesaikannya dengan seorang diri..sapa bilang? karena, setiap manusia memiliki gunung persoalan masing masing..dan Percayalah dan ketahuilah, bahwa Tuhan TIDAK PERNAH  memberikan gunung persoalan MELEBIHI KEKUATANMU.. Kalau saat kita tidak daat menanggung persoalan tersebut, mintalah kepada Tuhan agar Dia datang dan membantumu untuk menyelesaikan persoalanmu, karena hanya Dialah yang dapat membantu persoalan kita, jangan anggap semuanya dapat kamu lakukan karena semuanya itu adalah berasal dari Tuhan..Jangan sombong jika kita udah selesein masalah kita karena yang menyelesaikannya itu adalah Tuhan..

PS:  Yang terpenting bukanlah seberapa tinggi gunung persoalanmu, tetapi langkah demi langkahmu untuk menapak gunung persoalan, itulah yang terpening.. :D AMIN!

Gamau kan kalo masalah numpuk di dalam hidup kita?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Street Dance 2010 !

2 days ago i went to XXI cinema. Me, my brother, and my lil brother would watch STREET DANCE movie. Ever heared that? i believe that u all already know about this movie. Yeah, so as the title, this movie is about dance. There are two worlds of dance in this movie. The first is a street dance but the second is ballet dance. Hmm, better u see the synopsis first :

 Carly (Nichola Burley) and her Streetdance crew loses their leader and also discover they have nowhere to rehearse. With time running out, Carly must win the respect of her dancing troupe and find a suitable place to train for the final of the UK Street Dance Competition. While delivering sandwiches to a local ballet
school, a glimmer of hope comes to Carly in the guise of the ballet schoolmistress, Helena (Charlotte Rampling). She offers Carly the use of the school’s facilities provided Carly agrees to instill some of the Streetdance intensity and passion into her lacklustre and classically trained ballet students. The result is a glorious clash of cultures, egos and temperaments.

HAHA, WOW! can u imagined that? Street dance and ballet dance must be mixed up into one dance? hmm, if u haven't watched this movie, it's better u should watch this movie! yeheey!

The Ballet dancers

AAARGGH! there is also a sexiest street dance boy!
Richard Windsor (The sexiest dancer) hahaha :D

enjoy guys :D

Sunday, August 15, 2010

outfit today :D

Morning everyone :) now its Sunday! today i went to many places! and i also very tired =_=a
and now i must prepare my independence song for tomorow because tomorow is an INDONESIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY!! yipppiiee! my school entered into several competition. Actually, i dont remember how many competition but im participacing in a karaoke competition..hahaha :) 
btw, i took some photos this evening cos i bored :)

Friday, August 13, 2010


Yesterday, i made my geography's project. The project was to make a mountain, a small mountain to be exact. So, to make this mountain, we must prepare for the materials and the tools. The materials that we need are : 3 cardboards (can more), 2 carbon papers, a tracing paper (size : A3), and paints. Now tools that we need are : scissors, UHU glue, a brush, and a pencil. To make the mountain is very easy! u just need to draw a sketch of a mountain's structure on a tracing paper (i'll show u on a pict), u dont need to make it big, u can make it small. Next, u put the carbon paper under the  tracing paper. Then, also put the cardboards under the carbon paper. After that, u follow the line of ur mountain's structure skecth with pencil. Next, the line that u follow will be copied on the cardboards. Then, cut the line of mountain's structure. After that, u can repeat the process above to make the structure bigger and more bigger until the pieces of cardboard can be shaped like a mountain. Finnaly, if the mountain is already done, u can paint it :)) 

Hahaha, if u are not understand my instructions, ill give u some picts to help u.. (:
prepare the materials and tools! :D

first, make the sketch on the tracing paper
copied on the carboard, then cut it

repeat the instruction, but make the line more bigger than before (look at the pict ;P)

if u already done, the mountain can be like on a pict but u can shape ur mountain whatever u like..hehe
almost done! yippiie :)

paint the mountain

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

clothes. :D

Hey! i forgot that i also bought some shirts in Europe.. haha, actually the reason i bought the clothes because its sale! hehehe summer sale! U know when its summer, Zara gave a big sale.. i love it! But im only bought 3 shirts at Zara :( cos my moommy said, "thats enough, mei (my family nickname :D ) shirts here are very expensive u know"  :( although i felt little bit dissapointed but i thought no problem cos i would buy many shirts in Mangga Dua if i already arrived to Jakarta. hahha oh ya! when i was in Barcelona, my mom and i bought 2 shirts in the small shop, and the shopkeepers were from India. They were very funny and talkative. They said that my mom looked still teenager.. =.=a  when my mom heared that my mom laughed XD 
aah miss Europe >.<

My memories in Europe

hello hello  :) huaaah :( already a month ago i went to Europe..i miss there very much. But WAIT! i think i have some photos when i was in Europe..hahhaha.. ill apload it later :) hmmm, i hope someday i will go to Europe again :DD cos there are some romantic places..hohoho
@Geneva (Swiss)

@Paris (Eiffel tower)
Paris (Eiffel Tower)
@Lourdes :)

@Nice beach
@cannes beach

This is my favourite photo :D in Madame Tusauds (LONDON)
zac efron :DDD

Friday, July 30, 2010

My Jesus is Wonderful!

Guys Guys Guys ! :)) now, im doing my history project. My History project is about someone who defending human rights. And i choose Mother Teresa to be my example figure...hehehe :) when i read the book, i feel Mother Teresa was an amazing woman i ever seen :DD
I also feel that Jesus Christ is very amazing! everyday, everytime, and everywherte He makes me smile, He makes me happy, He always reminds me that if i sinned. Im so proud of Him.. and i just wanna share about my life if He doesn't controlled my life i think, my life, my whole life, will be messy ..hahaha..yeap thats true! cos now im in grade 3 in junior high school, and there are many projects and homeworks that i must to finnish it. And, in grade 3, we will have a performing arts, and I was chosen to be a secretary.. hufff :(
but everyday, i always say "I CAN DO IT!" hahaha, hope i can handle this...haha byee then, i wanna to continue my projects! hohoho...

Love u God :')